Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Lying to ourselves

Why do we humans lie, and more importantly, why do we lie to ourselves. This is the subject that has been bouncing around my skull all day while I go about my routine. I'm curious about people by nature. I like to learn their dreams and goals, I like to learn about them as a person. But the more I learn, the more I see a disturbing trend. They don't truly believe what they're telling me. Many times I have learned about someone only to see that what they want is right in front of them, but they won't take it. There's always reasons, some of them may seem logical to them. But if they would just stop and take the time to think about it, really think about it, they would see how their internalized rules and conditions that they impose on themselves prevent them from obtaining it. I think that's the main problem, people simply just don't stop and think. They don't spend any time simply allowing their brain to work without forcing it in one direction or the other. I have gotten into the habit of taking 30 minutes out of each day and just allowing my brain to work. No distractions. No music, no movies, and nobody around. Just simple peaceful quiet. The trick is that you can't force yourself to think in a certain direction, your brain is a marvel and it is more than capable of sorting your various thoughts and ideas into implementable actions. It cuts through the haze of everyday life like a knife. You will figure things out going on in your life or in others life and never know how you did it.

There's a series of articles on called "Playing to Win". The series is a fascinating read, but I'm going to talk about one section called "Introducing...the Scrub" ( I realize it's talking about game play, but it can also apply to real life. Sirlin describes a Scrub as someone who has built up a set of internalized rules on how they play. This of course prevents them from winning against higher level opponents because they refuse to use tactics that they have arbitrarily defined as "cheap". He doesn't really play to win because he has decided that these rules, which are not defined by the game he is playing, is the true way to play. Think about how that applies to your life. Do you have internalized rules about things you will or will not do in your career, love life, or home life? Do you have some rule that if your boss is an asshole on a paticular day that you're not going to work very well for him? Do you even know if you have it, or is it just automatic and you never really thought about it? Do you have set rules about who you will date and who you will not? What if you are a perfect personality match, get along great, and share many of the same ideas but she isn't perfect looking? Or will you not date them because you're too good of friends? What about your home life? Are there set boundaries on the things you can and cannot talk about with your family? Why? Families should be able to talk about anything, no matter how embarrassing the subject is to one party or the other. But we don't, even though we tell ourselves that's what families are for.

So the moral of this whole rant is, don't let your internalized regulations get in the way of something you truly want. If you stare at the few ugly trees long enough, you'll miss the beautiful forest that you could be living in.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

PA Quotes

ME: People are like sheep

Si: Yeah, except you, you're like that black sheep

ME: Yeah, I don't baa, I BaH.


ME: Dude, there are way too many kids.

Si: I love kids, you know in that dismissive, here you can have it back kinda of way....

ME: Yeah, me too, I love kids, you know, the same way I love malaria


Bekah: It looks like it's crying

ME: yah, like black tears of emo

Bekah: yeah, except purple, and grape flavored..

Both: dude, what if emo kids tears were grape flavored....


Friday, August 24, 2007

Shit my friends say

Girl one: "I'm masochistic."
Girl two: "I'm sadisic, we should be lesbians!"

Random conversation

*my friend looks at strange girl in his house bewildered*

"Why are you in my house?"

*Looks down, thinks, then looks back up*

"And why arent you naked."

This lead to a conversation about rules for people in the house during parties. Yes this is very sexist, but it was funny at the time to come up with this stuff. No I am not actually going to make these real rules.

Rule #1
Clothing optional, but maditory for package holders.

Rule #1
All bras are to be left at the door with the nearest male doorkeeper.

Rule #1
It is maditory to have a pint of water on your shirt before walking up the stairs.

Rule #1
Party foul violations result in the chugging of the rest of the beverage and the removal of a piece of clothing. If there is nothing left in the beverage, then the violator must chug a new one. Boxers do not count as clothing for the purposes of this rule. And if your wearing tighty whities, you will be booted from the premises.

Rule #1
Anything said or done while intoxicated is not subject to usage in later arguments. Damage to the premises is immune to this rule. It will be paid in cash, beer, or blood. The amount of blood is subject to interpretation by the owner.

Rule #1
"She was Hot" is a valid excuse

Rule #1
Asshole will be required to commit required actions.

Rule #1
A threesome with your girlfriend and that hot chick over there is an undeniable request for the girlfriend when occupying said premises.

Rule #1
If the asked person is already standing, the request "get me another beer" is required to be carried out.

Rule #1
When a burn has been issues with the phrase, You can suck my cock, apropriately, all female persona involved must indeed, suck the cock. And the right to remove teeth if needed is reserved

Rule #1
The music is never too loud

The antics of a roleplayer

In the words of a friend of mine.

"So I was at the Wizards of the Coast web site one day, and they had just released the Monster Manual 4, and they had a whole section of information on it and it got me all psyced up for D&D. They also had information on the new and upcoming books for the current edition. So the next day I was on the site to see whats new and the web site had completely changed. And the hedding was, version 4. Those fucking nazi's. They get me all psyced for new shit for 3.5 and the next day they say, oh by the way, this shit will be USELESS in 9 months. Thank you for your money, now spend more on this new edition."

I just sat there and laughed. Then I thought. Damnit, my World of Warcraft books are all 3.5.

Fuck this, Im moving to something like World of Darkness or Shadowrun.

Rule #0 for wizards of the coast products
We will try our best to make every rule completely useless with a new rule.

Dont you love geekiness. Its such a hard life.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Meaning of Life

Everyone has been asking this question through out history. Everyone searches for the meaning of life. Some people try to find it through finding that so called soul mate, or through religeon, or through friends. I believe I have found my meaning to life.
Many people strive and scheme through out their everyday trials trying to achieve some kind of goal, whether it be some sort of business, or educational, or monetary gain. And they strive for this goal because it makes them happy. I have discovered that I am most happy with the simple things in life. I was recently in hannibal. I went there to have pizza with some old friends. This of course was just a blast, even though we did nothing but talk about old things. Later on a friend of mine's girlfriend, and her friend, wanted to go swimming. And I happened to be the only one with a vehicle there. So I was "persuaded" *cough cough* to take them swimming. But all the pools were closed. So we decided to go to the fountains by the mississipi and swim in them. But just playing in the water, watching all the guys walk, or drive by, just staring at me jealously, and the atmosphere, was just the world to me. Its crazy how something so simple would be so uplifting. Ozzfest, also, was one of the greatest times Ive ever had in my life. I was surounded by like-minded people. I had many conversations with different people, and of course, challenged them in the mosh pit.
Its the simple things.
The simple drinking game full of laughter and jokes, while surounded by friends is also one of the most uplifting occasions. I recently started hanging out with a new crowd of people. And that was how I got to know them.
But one of my passions has always been meeting new people. I met a guy there, he was from las vegas, and he worked in the music industry. We had a good 4 hour conversation on nothing but music theory, talent of upcoming bands, note theory, and the sort. I was most happy then also.
The meaning of life is not to reach a goal. Once your dead, that goal is gone. Un retainable. Its the good times, the simple times, and the simple things. If you were an average citizen all your life, but had more fun moments, or simple moments, such as these mentioned, you would die a richer man than the CEO of wallmart. All he gets is his name on the wall. Whereas I will leave an impression on everyone I meet, that lasts on. I have also decided to join the army. At the water fountain, many tourists came up to us and asked us questions that turned into light conversation. And of course the older people asked what we were doing with our lives. When I told them military, they all had the same reaction. They showed me the upmost respect. The kind of respect Im not used to getting. And its moments like that, that make life worth living.
This, I believe, is the meaning of life. Life is a series of moments. And you have controll of what those moments will be. I will make my moments happy and lasting ones, whenever I can. Screw the drama of chasing that one true love, screw the want for unatainable riches. These things just cause worry on your mind, and when these moments come, you wont recognize them. But if you do recognize them, after you read this, just take the moment in. Live in the moment, and it will make you happy.

-Red Death

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Casualties of Life

When you fight for what you want
You lose along the way
Something always dies
Inside the lies you say

Every breath you take
Leads to another plan
A new way to achieve your dreams
A new way to kill your past

But the past is not just memory
It's people, and they're lives too
The ones that will survive your war
Will be broken and few

The choices that we make
Determine who we are
Fore every death I bring about
I bear the deepest scars

To fight for what I want
Means to hurt the things I don't
Sometimes those things are people
Their screams echo in my soul

But on and on I battle
Leaving the dead in my wake
I hope it will all be worth it
To win the way

- Deceitful Void