Friday, August 24, 2007

Random conversation

*my friend looks at strange girl in his house bewildered*

"Why are you in my house?"

*Looks down, thinks, then looks back up*

"And why arent you naked."

This lead to a conversation about rules for people in the house during parties. Yes this is very sexist, but it was funny at the time to come up with this stuff. No I am not actually going to make these real rules.

Rule #1
Clothing optional, but maditory for package holders.

Rule #1
All bras are to be left at the door with the nearest male doorkeeper.

Rule #1
It is maditory to have a pint of water on your shirt before walking up the stairs.

Rule #1
Party foul violations result in the chugging of the rest of the beverage and the removal of a piece of clothing. If there is nothing left in the beverage, then the violator must chug a new one. Boxers do not count as clothing for the purposes of this rule. And if your wearing tighty whities, you will be booted from the premises.

Rule #1
Anything said or done while intoxicated is not subject to usage in later arguments. Damage to the premises is immune to this rule. It will be paid in cash, beer, or blood. The amount of blood is subject to interpretation by the owner.

Rule #1
"She was Hot" is a valid excuse

Rule #1
Asshole will be required to commit required actions.

Rule #1
A threesome with your girlfriend and that hot chick over there is an undeniable request for the girlfriend when occupying said premises.

Rule #1
If the asked person is already standing, the request "get me another beer" is required to be carried out.

Rule #1
When a burn has been issues with the phrase, You can suck my cock, apropriately, all female persona involved must indeed, suck the cock. And the right to remove teeth if needed is reserved

Rule #1
The music is never too loud

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