Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Final Cut

So Life is like auditions for the theatre. You may be good, very good, at what you do, be it dancing or singing, or acting or whatever, but you still don't always get cast in the role you want, either because someone else was better, or you just weren't what the director was looking for, or maybe the chemistry was bad. But you didn't get the part, and now you have to deal with the reality. It doesn't mean you suck, or that you're a failure, it doesn't mean the world is going to come crashing down on you and leave you alone in desolation. It means you didn't get the part there is something else for you, go and find it.

Life is the same way. maybe it's a job interview, and you didn't quite fill the bill, so what, you go find a job somewhere else. Maybe it's a romantic interest, she found someone else, or he did. Big deal, I know it hurts but what's the point in wallowing in it. Go out there and find someone new. It doesn't make you a failure, or a bad person, or undesirable, it just means that in the end that person found someone who they feel is better suited. So go find someone else. All this bullshit about 'you're the only one for me' only gets in the way of life. Amazing people get overlooked because your blinded by your broken heart. Well I'm sick of it. I'm tired of always being the reason people are depressed. I'm sorry, but I'm picky, I have standards, and for once in my life I'm actually using them, I found someone who measures up. I'm sorry that I broke your heart, but be a man and move on. I can't handle all of this melodrama. It's like living in day-time T.V. I know what's on your mind, you think if you just bide your time, that I'll come back to you again. I won't. I have my answers and you are no longer on my romantic radar, so be a man about it, and stop falling apart, you knew from the beginning that I wouldn't be around long. I told you that, but you didn't hear me. Now you have to deal with it, and so do I.

Maybe it's because I've never had my heart broken in romance that I don't understand this reaction. But I've had my heart broken before, when my father died, and I gave up my son, and I recovered, I dealt with it. I moved on, life did not stop, the world is still turning, and I fail to see how I could've wounded your heart so far beyond repair in what was a short-lived romance. I just don't understand it.

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