Sunday, July 22, 2007


I could've loved you once
Sometimes I think I did

You were like rain in the desert
And then you were the sand
The Comfort of a blanket
And then you were gone

The terrain of me is treacherous
It's full of traps and holes
It takes a gallant adventurer
You sank in my mire

But still I held the thought of you
I waited in my center
I looked and looked and called for you
I knew you would not answer

When the truth finally came to me
About your demise
I couldn't help but laugh a little
At desires cruel disguise

There was a time in my heart
When there was room for you
But now that room is locked and guarded
A key there is to find

And if you are brave enough
You might unlock the door
To a room where no light shines
no wind blows, only me

I could've loved you once
Sometimes I think I did

- Deceitful Void

1 comment:

Agu-alasrotas said...

hi how are you im from uruguay but i speak english ..I want to invite you to my blog
im making a selection of poems and I want to publicate the winner ...send it t-o my mail : till 10 agost