Wednesday, July 25, 2007

a lovely day in the world of myspace

So I was going through my bulletins on myspace, and of course there was only one out of 20 that was worth reading. but i ran into a boyfriend/girfriend application.

ok, no offence to anyone who actually wants a response from something like this, but, are you so desperate that you had to come up with a post like this. whoever wrote this has got to be the most pathetic person on earth. i mean come on. do you really need an application to get a date. and on the other hand, do you really think your so wanted that you have the right to make people put in an application to date you like you have some kind of standard and your so perfect that you wont date someone unless they are as perfect as you. Another thing, why the fuck would you want people on the internet to fill it out. Do you realize how many psycos are on the net. And do you think everything everyone says is true, come on. get out of you fantasy world. this is reality. you apply for jobs, and a relationship is not a job. my personal opinions of relationships ill admit is very negative, and i think they are a complete wast of brain power. But seriously. whoever made a post like that is just stupid.

dream when your asleep. this is reality bitches.
although i do admit stupid shit like this provides me entertainment from time to time. Because laughing at the stupidity of other people, is just fun

-Red Death

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