Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tarot, Porn, and Waging War

I've decided that no matter what the so-called "guiding spirits" have to say. I can have my cake, the ice-cream, and the cookies, all at the same time, and well fate, if you want to try to mess with that for me then all I have to say is ; FUCK YOU! I will have the love of my life, both of them, the music and the man, and there is nothing you can do about it. There I feel better.

So I don't understand pornography. I set down and flipped through some actual porn the other day, you know not playboy the real stuff, and well, it didn't do anything but put me in a bad mood. How can people be so degrading to themselves as to let other people take their pictures while having sex, or playing with themselves or whatever. It is not attractive, or a turn on. It makes me feel very sorry for those people, and the people who are addicted to it, and buy it all the time. I don't get it, could someone explain to me it's appeal? How can people with such low self-esteem and and self-regard, do anything but inspire pity and revolt when you look at those pictures? How is it possible that these things turn some people on? Does it mean that those people also have a low self-regard? I just don't understand it. If you can explain this too me, please feel free, I'd love to hear it.

What brings on this seemingly random post? Well we decided to clean our house, which is really more like guerilla warfare than cleaning. It is literally a battle field. But in the battlefield are the scattered remains of a massive porno collection(hence the above), and art supplies. We have worked on the house for two days now and it still isn't done. You'd think that 5 people together could clean a house in a matter of hours, but this is taking on a life of it's own, and I swear the house is fighting back. Well, bring it on. I'm in the mood to fight, for and/or with, something/someone. as for the very first paragraph, that comes from the resting activity in which two of our household gave tarot readings. well according to mine, I have to choose, between the man, and the music, well fuck that. i do not have to give up one to have the other. I do not have to, and I refuse to compromise on it. So fate can bring it on too.

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