Monday, July 23, 2007

No wonder

When you go to Alaska, Michigan will seem warm. When you spend a long time in a dark room, light bulbs can be blinding. When you listen to music extrememly loud, yelling seems like normal speach. Deafening or heightening senses are something that everyone has experienced. Extremes make normal things seem duller, extremes become normal, and oposite extremes become normal. When your mind has been broken, normal activities seem hard. Pain seems like pleasure. Normally fun things become unsatisfying. These normal things are magnified into extremes, both negative and positive. But when an opposite extreme comes into play, it can have very destructive effects. Such as the dark room metaphor. What if you stayed in a dark room for a week and all of a sudden looked at the sun? It hurts enough when your used to the light, but the normals have become extreme, and the extremes become devastating. No wonder those with broken minds seem to be unstable. No wonder playful insults hurt them so much. No wonder it takes something extremely good to cheer them up, because normal happyness has been dulled. No wonder they turn to other things to feel normal again.

No wonder they dont last very long.

-Red Death

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