Thursday, July 26, 2007

On the Subject of Fireballs

So the day started off normally enough. I got up, got a shower, and headed into work. I checked my messages to make sure there was nothing to add to my "GET THIS SHIT DONE" list and noticed that I had a bit of shipping to do this morning. One of my co-workers came in to shoot the breeze and I headed back to the supply closet to get appropriate boxes for shipping.

This is when things went horribly wrong.

Apparently, one of my esteemed co-workers decided that, since they had lost the cap to the gas can, shoving a rag in the nozzle was a stand up idea. As I opened the door to the supply closet the door pushed a bolt that had fallen down behind it across the rough concrete floor.

I've heard that time slows down when you're in danger, but I tell you what, the rush of adrenaline was like no other. I remember hearing a screw drag behind the door then hearing a loud boom. I looked up as a fireball headed at me in slow motion. I remember standing and staring at it slowly headed my way and thinking "Damn this fucking blows. Oh well, I had a good run. Hopefully people won't miss me too much." I looked down and saw the gas can, not yet on fire, it had just ignited the fuel that had leaked on the ground and the fumes in the air. I dropped down and shoved it as hard as I could out of the room as I hit the deck. The fireball passed up and over me and I started shouting at the co-worker I had been talking to to grab one of the three fire extinguishers we kept in the shop. I crawled out like some weird 4 legged creature who lacked the strength to walk on his feet and must instead drag himself along as my coworker sprayed the fire down. (Many thanks go to him, he hit my pants leg first before moving on to the main fire, I didn't even realize I had been hit.)

This whole process to me seemed to take a couple minutes, but the aforementioned co-worker said I started yelling for the extinguisher a split second after the boom and he saw the gas can come skidding out at the same time. The boss bought the two of us lunch for our quick thinking and then went to find the yokels who used the gas can. (ahem, salesmen). I'm sure that conversation was rather lively.

So none worse for the wear, a few bruises, a hurt shoulder, and a really bad sunburn is all I have to show for it. Oh yeah, and everything smells like burnt hair.

I'm sure glad I took Improved Evasion.....

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